
Friday, October 23, 2015

Sleep when I'm dead?

I fell asleep knitting last night. I finished a scarf yesterday and started working on another. One moment I was knitting, and the next...well, after a quick trip to Starbucks for some crack, here I am.

The third and final season of Hemlock Grove became available on Netflix today. It's my favorite Netflix Original Series. I'll be marathoning that today and working on my new scarf. 

This painting was inspired by Hemlock Grove, btw:

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Yesterday was a good day for me!

First, I received signed copies of The Snow Garden and Light Before Day by Christopher Rice, which I won whilst listening to The Dinner Party Show, his and Eric Shaw Quinn's Sunday night internet radio show. Dinner Party Show bookmarks included  :D

A few hours later, I sold my first Original Art Painting ever! Additionally, I was commissioned to paint another painting for my client (and friend). I usually don't like guests showing up unannounced, I hate it actually because I'm borderline agoraphobic, but I guess if it's an unannounced visit to buy art from me, I'll allow it. And she's commissioned my novice sewing services for tonight, for a Halloween costume. I warned her not to expect too much from me as far as my seamstress skills are concerned, but she's still on board. Here's a photo of the first painting I've *ever* sold: 

In other news, this morning I paid to promote the listings in my Etsy shop. I've never paid to promote, so I budgeted myself at one dollar per day, until further notice. I don't see much of a difference in my stats or favorited items yet, but I'm going to give it at least a couple of weeks. I could pick and choose which listings I want to get more visibility, but I'm just letting Etsy take the helm. I assume they probably have a good idea what to promote and when, depending on the demands they receive on a day to day basis from buyers. 

Back to work I go. I'm enjoying a crafternoon today. Expanding my shop inventory. If I build it, they will come! 

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Google Business Brand Page

Go check it out! 

Buy and Support Handmade on Etsy

I signed this petition because I handcraft all of my inventory with my own two hands. I would like to be able to make a living wage for my work, and not have to compete with Etsy users who have their items factory made. 

Many buyers assume everything on Etsy is handmade, but this is no longer so. Many Etsy sellers have their products factory produced, and even worse, I've come across some Etsy shops selling items that are from retail stores. 

This petition is essentially petitioning that artists who handmake their own original art, be recognized, categorized accordingly, and allowed to charge a fair price for the novelty of their original handmade work, the time and labor they put into their creations, and the cost of supplies required.

Read the petition for yourself, and sign it if you're so inclined...

Crowdfunding for Small Businesses and Projects

I came across this helpful article about crowdfunding, and issuing a press release for your crowdfunding campaign. Issuing a press release isn't something I would have conceived of myself for my humble little business, and I probably won't be issuing any press releases anytime in the future. But who knows? I may find it to be appropriate and beneficial at some point during my own small art business crowdfunding campaign, so I'm not going to disregard the possibility completely,

Some key points from the article are:

1. Why should someone care about your crowdfunding project? 

2. Who are the people likely to care about why you're doing this?

3. Where are the people who would be interested in helping your cause? 

Although this is a Krowdster article, I found it helpful, even though I'm currently crowdfunding via GoFundMe: 

Definitely worth a read if you are currently crowdfunding or thinking of doing so for a project or small business, such as myself. 
Here's a link to the article:
Connecting my DIY blog here with my Google Business Account for DeniseDoesCouture. Just giving it a test run. Here's a collage of some abstract art from my shop:

This image links to my Etsy shop in a new window.

Abstract Art Photo Collage...

Abstract Art by DeniseDoesCouture