
Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Buy and Support Handmade on Etsy

I signed this petition because I handcraft all of my inventory with my own two hands. I would like to be able to make a living wage for my work, and not have to compete with Etsy users who have their items factory made. 

Many buyers assume everything on Etsy is handmade, but this is no longer so. Many Etsy sellers have their products factory produced, and even worse, I've come across some Etsy shops selling items that are from retail stores. 

This petition is essentially petitioning that artists who handmake their own original art, be recognized, categorized accordingly, and allowed to charge a fair price for the novelty of their original handmade work, the time and labor they put into their creations, and the cost of supplies required.

Read the petition for yourself, and sign it if you're so inclined...

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